November is National Novel Writing Month

NaNoWriMo November is National Novel Writing Month, during which thousands of writers attempt to produce 50,000 coherent words in 30 days. Last year I participated, and made very acceptable progress on the novel I’ve had in my head for over a decade.  Getting my...
How Fears Change as We Age

How Fears Change as We Age

What Scares You? After I posted the blog last week showing off my new set of wheels, I received some interesting emails from friends. Some were positive, but others, mostly from readers close to my age, were some variation on these two statements: “How can you...
I’m Baaa-aak!

I’m Baaa-aak!

I’m Baaa-aaak! It’s hard to believe, but the last day I posted to this blog was May 14, my mother’s birthday.  I had no particular desire or intent to stop writing here, but I was trying to stay focused on the one writing project that had kept me awake at nights...

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