My Mother, My Hero

One of my earliest memories of early childhood was marching around the kitchen table with my mother along with radio personality Don McNeal and his Breakfast Club. We would march and laugh and duck under the table and laugh, and . . . then we would wash the breakfast...

Grieving the Goldfish

  When I purchased my sweet little house in Santa Cruz, it came with a waterfall and a pond.  That  summer I experienced the joy of falling asleep to the peaceful sound of falling water.  In time, though, the pond became green with algae and began to need regular...

Coloring for Stress Release

Four Year Old Bean was having trouble transitioning from Mommy to Grandma, and after a tearful good bye, three hugs and a kiss, she laid herself out, prostrate, on my front porch, proclaiming loudly “I don’t care about anybody but Mommy!” Knowing she...

Is 60 the new 40?

As I ate my breakfast granola one morning last week, a Today Show host read from her teleprompter: “New research tells us that since life expectancy continues to rise, age 60 should no longer be considered old. Sixty is the new 40.” A simple statement, one that...

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