Is 60 the new 40?

As I ate my breakfast granola one morning last week, a Today Show host read from her teleprompter: “New research tells us that since life expectancy continues to rise, age 60 should no longer be considered old. Sixty is the new 40.” A simple statement, one that...

Mucking About in the Mud

When I was about eight, my parents spent a weekend helping some friends prepare their family farm for an estate sale. While the adults sorted, stacked, and scoured, the children were left to roam free. I remember climbing into a hay loft that first day, eating my fill...

Life with a 4 year old

Two weeks ago Bean and I walked out the door of my house and scootered and walked a mile to the edge of the beach. Last week she arrived requesting to spend the afternoon at the beach, so we packed the car with buckets and snacks and spent three hours dodging the...

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